

Logistica Training work as part of the Skills Support for the Workforce, SSW programme, co-financed by the European Social Fund and Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Logistica are dedicated in offering recognised accredited qualifcations and bespoke training courses aiming to enhance employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of local businesses and boost the local economy.

We work with the following Prime Contractors for the SSW programme:


Serco’s Employment Skills and Enterprise business manage the Education and Skills Funding Agency and European Social Fund Skills Support for the Workforce and Skills Support for Redundancy Programmes.

Logistica are part of Serco’s expert network of training providers chosen to deliver the programme locally. It is by building and nurturing strong relationships with our delivery partners that we best meet the needs of our customers.

The Growth Company

GC is a not-for-profit, commercially driven organisation dedicated to economic development, inward investment, skills, employment and enterprise.

As GC, we helped to generate hundreds of millions worth of investment and growth in the north-west, working in partnership with businesses and individuals to boost the economic prospects of people and place.

With demand for our services growing exponentially over the past decade, our remit’s been spread country-wide and while proud of our northern heritage, we decided it was time to better-reflect our national footprint and ethos of inclusive growth for all.

The Growth Company (GC) is committed to promoting supply chain excellence with our subcontractors and is accredited to the Merlin Standard. At GC we are committed to supporting and enabling supply chain performance and investing in our supply chain networks.


CSW Group are transition management specialists, who offer information, guidance and support to people and organisations as they move through different stages of their lives. We are a not-for-profit social enterprise, reinvesting any operating surpluses into new products and services, organisational development, and community based projects across the country. For over 20 years, we have inspired, developed and supported people and businesses across the UK, made positive changes through guidance, mentoring, partnerships and volunteering and supported thousands of people to find learning and work opportunities.

We believe that partnership work is essential to achieving positive outcomes and fully meet the needs of those who benefit from our programmes. We build, develop and refine partnerships with commissioners and multi-tiered supply chains to enable more effective achievement of outcomes and to share learning that will improve services.