Customer Service Specialist

Enhance your skills


Business & Management

Level 3 Customer Service Specialist

Role Overview and Expectations

The main purpose of a customer service specialist is to be a ‘professional’ for direct customer support within all sectors and organisation types. You are an advocate of Customer Service who acts as a referral point for dealing with more complex or technical customer requests, complaints, and queries. You are often an escalation point for complicated or ongoing customer problems. As an expert in your organisation’s products and/or services, you share knowledge with your wider team and colleagues.

You gather and analyse data and customer information that influences change and improvements in service. Utilising both organisational and generic IT systems to carry out your role with an awareness of other digital technologies. This could be in many types of environment including contact centres, retail, webchat, service industry or any customer service point.

Course Information Sample Workbook



Course Duration

18 Months(15 months qualification and 3 x months EPA)

Course Delivery

Blended Learning

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Course Content

You will learn to demonstrate a variety of knowledge, skills, and behaviours. Some of the course material will consist of evidencing:


  • Understand what continuous improvement means in a service environment and how your recommendations for change impact your organisation
  • Understand the reasons why customer issues and complex situations sometimes need referral or escalation for specialist attention
  • Understand how to analyse, use and present a range of information to provide customer insight
  • Understand your organisation structure and what role each department needs to play in delivering Customer Service and what the consequences are should things go wrong
  • Understand how to find and use industry best practice to enhance your own knowledge.


  • Resolve complex issues by being able to choose from and successfully apply a wide range of approaches
  • Through advanced questioning, listening and summarising negotiate mutually beneficial outcomes
  • Use clear explanations, provide options and solutions to influence and help customers make choices and agree next steps
  • Analyse your customer types, to identify or anticipate their potential needs and expectations when providing your service
  • When managing referrals or escalations take into account historical interactions and challenges to determine next steps
  • Analyse the end to end service experience, seeking input from others where required, supporting development of solutions.


  • Develop self – Proactively keep your service, industry and best practice knowledge and skills up-to-date
  • Ownership/ Responsibility – Exercises proactivity and creativity when identifying solutions to customer and organisational issues
  • Team working – Work effectively and collaboratively with colleagues at all levels to achieve results
  • Equality – Adopt a positive and enthusiastic attitude being open minded and able to tailor your service to each customer
  • Presentation – Demonstrate brand advocacy, values and belief when dealing with customer requests to build trust, credibility and satisfaction.


  • You need to have lived in the UK for the last 3 years
  • Be employed with a contract of employment
  • Not have a prior qualification in the same subject, at the equivalent level.

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